Web Design Glossary

Important terms related to Web Design & Development

GLOSSARY | Offshore Web Design and Development Company in India


They are type of web navigation where current location within the website is indicated by a list of pages above the current page in the hierarchy, up to the main page. It not only shows users where they are currently located in the site's architecture, but it also lets them back up levels one at a time. It is a recursive path.


It enables equal access to online content and services for all people, including those with disabilities.

In practice, authoring an accessible website includes:

  • Content is structured using code that indicates information types and hierarchies.
  • Marking-up content with ‘hooks’ that enable content to be effectively accessed with supportive technologies (such as screen readers).
  • Creating an interface that is device-neutral, for example supports keyboard alternatives to mouse-based interaction.


AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It helps to use the abilities of JavaScript, the Document Object Model, and XML to create interactivity on the web. It is described as a collection of technologies used to automatically update and manipulate the information on a web page while it is being viewed in a browser (i.e. without the user having to manually refresh the page).

This allows developers to create more sophisticated web pages and applications without having to add to the native capabilities of the browser. A key component is the use of XMLHttp Request, a function originally added to browsers by Microsoft, to exchange data in the background with one or more web servers.


A blog (weblog) is a type of website, which is maintained by an individual with regular entries of comments, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to your website.

Meta tag

A meta tag is a specific HTML tag used to define meta data on your Web pages.

The most commonly used meta tags are:

  • description
  • keywords
  • author
  • refresh
  • format

Fixed width layout

Fixed layouts are layouts that start with a specific size, determined by the Web designer. They remain that width, regardless of the size of the browser window viewing the page. Fixed width layouts allow a designer more direct control over how the page will look in most situations. Designers prefer it with a print background, as they allow the designer to make minute adjustments to the layout and have them remain consistent across browsers and computers.


It is a programme that runs inside another application such as web browser. The programme starts when the page it is contained within is downloaded.

Applets are used to create features including news bars (tickers) or more sophisticated interfaces than those supported by the HTML standard.

Java is an example of a coding language in which applets can be created.


A domain name is the textual identifier or an address for a website, for example: www.webworldexperts.com


In Hyper-G and possibly other hypertext systems, a backlink is a link back to the page or one of the pages that currently link to the page you're using.

Backlinks are already supported to some extent in the present Web system. Using JavaScript or a similar technique, you can add a button to your page that, when clicked, results in a request to the Alta Vista search engine to locate all the Web sites that link to your page (that is, to your home page backlinks)


DPI stands for dots-per-inch. It specifies the resolution of a printer or printing press machine. Print resolution usually runs from 300-1200 dots per inch on a Laser Printer and 125-225 dots per inch for photographic images on a print brochure.DPI is a property of a print graphic and determines how it prints - its size and quality as printing is done by using individual dots of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (CMYK), lots of them, giving an impression of continuity.